News: You Can Now Grab Free TV Show Episodes & Songs in iTunes

You Can Now Grab Free TV Show Episodes & Songs in iTunes

Apple is offering free full episodes of popular TV shows and free songs from artists with its most recent update to the iTunes Store. In the Music section, "Free on iTunes" seems to have replaced "Single of the Week," which used to give lesser-known independent artists a chance to give their music away in hopes that it would increase their popularity.

Nevertheless, the new "Free on iTunes" section provides a decent selection of free music and episodes from TV shows to choose from, including FOX's new show Backstrom, SyFy's 12 Monkeys, and music from Purity Ring.

Simply open iTunes on your iOS device and select "Free on iTunes" from either the Music or TV Shows tabs to check out the free goodies available.

Tap "Get" to download the free items directly to your device. The "Free on iTunes" section is also available via iTunes on your computer.

The new section makes it easy to find free music and TV show episodes for those of us looking for more content to add to our computers or iOS devices.

I can only hope that movies will be offered some time in the near future, but it's unlikely, since free songs and TV show episodes are meant to tease you into buying a full album or season. Maybe we'll see a free movie in a particular film series, but we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

Let us know what free music and TV show episodes you went with in the comment section below, or over on Facebook, Google+, or Twitter.

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